the masked blogger's Articles
May 20, 2004 by the masked blogger
It's official...I am an Atkins dropout...I quit.....Atkins is the diet they serve you in's everything that's wrong with everything else, and I hate it....I am now a Weight Watchers follower, and am happier for'll work, because after all, it's common sense...common sense is what the world needs more of, aside from love.... Fellow weight-losers, I have 6 words for you, if you have not already heard them: Faygo Diet Key Lime Pie Soda......go get some, and then say thank ...
May 18, 2004 by the masked blogger
....born in indianapolis in 1958...married, 2 kids.....old freak/hippy/musician, and still very active in music.....former semi-pro drunk, and mostly retired pro-level pot head.....big fat waste of space, basically, with heavy interests in art, sci fi, camping, fishing, reading, puters....Christian.....drives an old honda for the gas mileage....used to work on nuclear missiles for a living.....has had a couple of near misses with fame and fortune, but has few regrets....fascinated by mt. ever...
May 17, 2004 by the masked blogger the beginning, i peed a that seems to be tapering off...i still feel sort a woosey and weird as i enter Week 2 of Induction , that wondrous period where we basically kick our body in the ass and get it to surrender it's beloved adipose tissue...mine is being, in it's inimitable fashion, difficult...we think it's because one of the blood pressure meds i take slows down the process....lucky me...i need to lose wight to get the BP down, and get off the med, but the med is slowin...
May 13, 2004 by the masked blogger
my morbid curiosity took hold, and I went and saw the vid of those ______ cutting off that poor kid's head with a made me sick, and it takes a lot to make me sick....i just hope the dude died, or at least passed out from the shock fairly early on, because the inept ______ took their sweet time finishing the job.....i am sick to death of hearing about how much they hate us, and how much they despise us, and how bad they want us out of their God-forsaken country...i am sick to death...
May 12, 2004 by the masked blogger
Well, it's official....gasoline prices have never been what are you gonna do about it?......ditch that big thirsty suv?......walk?........bitch and whine until they bring 'em back down?.........I was driving a '77 Chevy pickup with a V8 and a now spends most of it's time keeping the gravel dry in my driveway....i went out and bough a '90 Honda Civic sedan, which gets like 3x the mileage of the Chevy....doesn't make the gas any cheaper, but it makes me a little happ...
May 10, 2004 by the masked blogger
...carbs?....carbomohydrateraters.....nasty little units of complex and simple sugars that make us fat and nasty......whatever....if that's what it takes, so be it: today for lunch /in review: the Arby's Turkey Bacon Ranch Wrap, and a SoBe No Carb flavored green tea The Wrap is something you have to get used to...i've eaten it twice, and the lo-carb tortilla is just not as much fun-on-the-tounge as a regular flour has a dry, sort-of papery quality to it....and no...
May 10, 2004 by the masked blogger
...given the nearly impermeable facelessness that the internet makes possible, then aren't we all masked in a fashion?...I am The Masked Blogger, anonymous and solitary on the virtual, after a multi-month interruption in regular doctor visits, i broke my "medical fast" and went to see a new physician....though, not really new; i've seen this particular m.d. before, many years beloved health insurance company took upon themselves over time the goal of nothing less t...