But i did anyway....
Published on May 13, 2004 By the masked blogger In Current Events
my morbid curiosity took hold, and I went and saw the vid of those ______ cutting off that poor kid's head with a knife....it made me sick, and it takes a lot to make me sick....i just hope the dude died, or at least passed out from the shock fairly early on, because the inept ______ took their sweet time finishing the job.....i am sick to death of hearing about how much they hate us, and how much they despise us, and how bad they want us out of their God-forsaken country...i am sick to death of hearing about how outraged they are about the way the prisoners were treated in those pictures...i try to be a nice, decent, sweet-natured person, but if i wasn't i might say something like this:

to all iraqis, members of al quaeda, and any of you other muslim pukes that think we suck:

pray to allah that i never get any sort of chance at you...i mean it....i'll kill you in a heartbeat....if i find out you're iraqi, and you're over here in my country, stinking it up with your blasted camel stench, i'll wait in the parking lot for you, and run over you with my car....you, and your wife, and your kids, because little iraqi bastards grow up to be big iraqi bastards.....remember this: we owe you nothing...you owe us tons, you ungrateful herd of swine, and i am sorry to insult the pigs....the one and only reason i'm not out there right this second hunting you is simply because that wasn't my son you murdered, but it could have been...it could have been anyone's boy that you butchered....you do not deserve to draw breath......<BR>

of course, being a nice and tolerant person, i can't say such things, or even think them, much less act on them....i do wonder though...what would i do if it had been my son?
(UPDATE 14 May 2004): After giving this another read, i agree....it's harsh, and it's hateful, and hate-filled.....and wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a world where everyone was nice and polite and cared about others....we don't....we live in a world where there are petty jealous people who want to destroy us, and our way of life, just because we're here...i know that not all iraqis are at fault, just like not all muslims are bad, and not all Christians are bad, and not all politicians are bad...and so on.....but there comes a time when your intellectual center shuts down, and your passion takes over....nothing that was done to the prisoners in the pictures came close to, or justified the way that boy was killed...i made me sick....it made me furious.....all i really wanted at that moment was to feel that creep's neck in my bare hands.....it's scary to feel that way.....i know in no uncertain terms that i could kill...if someone hurt anyone in my family, or one of my friends....if someone tried to take my home, or my homeland....if someone tried to destroy the way i live my life; the way we all live our lives, then yeah, i'd kill....i don't think i'd like it, but i'd do it....is this the same as what the bastard jordanian did?......no.....he used that kid as a representation of all of us; to kill all of us, and what we stand for in his mind, just because he doesn't approve of us....well mr. terrorist, i have a message for you: tough shit...we don't care what you think....deal with it....

Be good, losers,

The Masked Blogger: I've upped my standards....now up yours

on May 13, 2004
one might think there's a job opening for you at some Iraqi prison....why not let go of the hate and see things for what they are. Your hate will only make things worse. Remember how Darth Vader got sucked into the dark side? The Emperor's words? "your hate is making you powerful"...let go Luke...I mean masked blogger. By the way, how is being a masked blogger any better than a masked terrorist? That's one thing I really hate about shit like that. If you're man enough to kill people, be man enough to show your face. No balls, no walls.
on May 14, 2004
hello mikimouse....

easy for you to say, isn't it?....it wasn't your son those bastards murdered.....and i'll hate all i want...it's human nature....will i act on my hate....likely not......will i always hold these things against all the arab world....you bet i will.....they are nothing but a bunch of backward sand-eaters who like to play at being civilized....if this is generalization, so be it....it's no worse than the way they generalize us....fire must be fought with fire....

you show your face first, and then we'll see.....and leave my balls out of this.....