carbs are the enemy?...are you sure?
Published on May 10, 2004 By the masked blogger In Health & Medicine
...carbs?....carbomohydrateraters.....nasty little units of complex and simple sugars that make us fat and nasty......whatever....if that's what it takes, so be it:

today for lunch/in review: the Arby's Turkey Bacon Ranch Wrap, and a SoBe No Carb flavored green tea

The Wrap is something you have to get used to...i've eaten it twice, and the lo-carb tortilla is just not as much fun-on-the-tounge as a regular flour has a dry, sort-of papery quality to it....and not much taste...just keep telling yourself that it's not about the tortilla; it's only there to keep the dressing off of your hands....

The filling is alright i suppose...the sliced turkey is pretty tasteless, but the bacon is good, and the ranch dressing tangy....there's a little tomato in there as well, but being as fast food places almost always buy your basic ultra-commercial veggies, the tomato has has no personality whatsoever, and only serves to add some red to visual palate....there's also a big leaf of bibb lettuce wrapped in there, again, likely for color only, since there's not enough there to really make it a dominant flavor...

Bottom line: i'd eat it again, if the option came up, and that, after all, is the acid test...i'm gonna find out just how many carbs the thing has, and put that info right here:_18 grams**.

Overall, I give it a 7 of 10, 'cause like i said, i'd eat it didn't make me puke, or itch, or feel like i need to scape my tounge clean with an s.o.s. pad

The SoBe flavored green tea, sans carbs, had 1 carb, which i found confusing, but according to the label, it's a slow, dimwitted carb with no obvious skills, who is allegedly unable to even find it's way to your waist line, and is therefore considered to be no threat...this made me feel a lot better, so i pressed on....the reason i'm not telling you what the flavor was is because i just plain old can't remember, ok?....i do recall that one of them was white cranberry, which i never heard of, and therefore wrote off as more evidence of marketing types trying to come up with cool and exotic sounding crapola to put on labels of softdrinks to suck us poor unsuspecting morons with our american money in and entice us to buy...i think the other on was cherry*, but i won't swear to it, so come bitching at me if you can't find it down at the piggly wiggly...

It also did not make me barf, but then, i really like green tea; i don;t think i've had one yet that i didn't groove on, so i'll give it a 7 out 0f 10, just for being green tea...

just though i'd share this in case anyone was curious about carb stuff.....or about what i had for lunch.....

Keep your heads down, you losers,

The Masked Blogger: found out today what the Adkins diet first two weeks are like...sounds like bootcamp for my belly

*(UPDATE 12May2004) was apple and white cranberry...the bottle was still in the trash

**I thought these were supposed to be low carb? i understand it, i'm only allowed 20 grams a day during the first two weeks....Jeez!....thanx for nuthin', Arby's!......just for that, I might take up Jaredism and defect to Subway....

on May 10, 2004

Are you going to pee on the little urinalysis sticks you can get at the drugstore?  They detect ketones, chemicals that your body produces when you're burning fat as fuel.  The more ketones you're producing, the darker purple the strip turns. Atkins is designed to put you into lipolyosis (fat burning mode) within the first 2 or 3 days of starting the diet.  When my husband and I did Atkins together a few years ago his strips turned a really dark purple after 24 hrs.  5 days later mine were still a pale lilac. 

Here's hoping that your strips are eggplant colored before the end of the week!

on May 12, 2004
Howdy doo dharmagrl....

I am still quite the novice when it comes the "The Golden Path of Atkinsism"......I'm actually pretty familar with litmus pare and it's uses, and I've heard the ketone thingy, but I remain uncertain as to how I feel about whizzing on a strip of paper...I had to give a urine sample at the doc, and that sorta creeped me a bit...i mean, your pee is sort of a private thing, y'know?...anyhoo, yeah, I might pop for some litmus....some folks say that too much feedback can be bad for you when you're dieting; it's why some people won't weigh themselves.....As to that, I think I will weigh occasionally, after we acquire a decent scale, but I'm not gonna turn into a scale weighing 5 times a day for me, no siree...and the question remains: do I really want to know how many ketones are exiting The Masked Blogger at any given time?...should I ask them to fill out a parting questionnaire, having them rate the service and decor in Casa Del Masked?...did they enjoy the food?....was the entertainment to their liking?....this kind of feedback could go far towards making me a better me.....

y'all be sweet now,