...all the stuff you care nothing about
Published on May 18, 2004 By the masked blogger In Misc
....born in indianapolis in 1958...married, 2 kids.....old freak/hippy/musician, and still very active in music.....former semi-pro drunk, and mostly retired pro-level pot head.....big fat waste of space, basically, with heavy interests in art, sci fi, camping, fishing, reading, puters....Christian.....drives an old honda for the gas mileage....used to work on nuclear missiles for a living.....has had a couple of near misses with fame and fortune, but has few regrets....fascinated by mt. everest, but is aware that climbing it, or amy other mountain is very unlikely.....has an easy job that doesn't pay a fortune, but has great bennies....loves to laugh....has been a: music equipment reapir tech, a KFC manager, a furniture delivery grunt, a landscaper, a factory grunt, a nurses aid, a mail clerk, an electronics tech, a cook, a secretary, a guitar teacher, a studio musician, a touring side man, a club musician, a stock boy, a telemarketer, and a free lance agent provoceteur.....wants more than anything to get healthy so that he can continue to enjoy the amazing life he's been given.......

bye bye for today, losers.....

so says The Masked Blogger: old, but not done yet......

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